Check2gether is an innovation which aims to provide women in rural remote areas access to quality Antenatal Care (ANC) services. It contains a testing kit to ensure early diagnosis of high risk pregnancies.
Pregnant women in the countries Simavi works, face several barriers to access to ANC services, because of the distance, the opportunity costs involved, the lack of quality staff and equipment and the lack of awareness. This results in a high Maternal Mortality Rates (MMR).
Check2gether consists of a comprehensive non-invasive testing kit that incorporates BP measurement, HB and protein glucose in urine tests. The mobile application ensures in-time, direct, informed diagnosis, allowing midwives to immediately interpret the results and identify women at risk of (pre-) eclampsia, gestational diabetes and anaemia. Quantitative data on user statistics, diagnosis, treatment, and referral can be entered in the App, to allow patient follow-up and monitoring of health outcomes.
The kit can be carried easily by the midwives. The non-invasive character of the tests ensures that they can be performed safely in any context during outreach services, which would otherwise be unavailable at this level of care. Women in remote rural areas that cannot access health center for timely ANC because of lack of financial means, distance or lack of awareness can benefit of quality ANC near their homes.
Check2gether has been piloted and is currently under review. We will introduce an improved version in the Group Care 1000 project in Ghana mid 2021.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 848147. This website reflects only the authors' view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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