Led by: TNO
Led by: LUMC
Overall objective of this WP is to provide evidence, contextual relevant information and recommendations for country and site-specific adaptions of the content, delivery and implementation strategies of existing models of group-based care. This will support the successful implementation of group-based care during the first 1000 days. Recommendations will focus on 1) newly implementing group-based care (Ghana, South Africa, Kosovo), 2) expanding existing pregnancy group-based care to baby and mother groups after pregnancy (Suriname, The Netherlands), and 3) tailoring it to deprived neighbourhoods (The Netherlands, Belgium, UK).
The objective of WP3 is to develop adaptations strategies necessary to implement group care in the 7 countries. These will be distinguished between surface and deep structure adaptations; based on the model of cultural sensitivity. WP3 builds on insights of WP2 and will put forward the development of the implementation protocols in WP4 and the blueprint for scaling up in WP6.
The overall objective of this wp is to guide and support timely implementation and sustaining of specific group care protocols (antenatal, postnatal+) in demonstration sites in seven countries, with high fidelity to the components of group care and adaptations for key context-specific factors identified by WP2 and WP3. Implementation within and across sites will be attentive to the evaluation (WP5) needs from the outset. Implementation will focus on building the infrastructure need to sustain and scale-up group care in each setting (WP6).
Aim: To evaluate the reach, implementation and outcomes, of group prenatal and mother-infant care in various contexts and settings as well as examine the costs-effectiveness and the prospects for sustainable continuation of implementation in respective countries.
Led by: UCT/AMC
The overall objective of this WP is to inform the implementation and scale-up of antenatal and baby-parenting group care in seven participating countries through the development of country-specific blueprints, and to develop an implementation toolbox for the adaptation, implementation, and scale-up of group care in similar country contexts.
The objective of this WP is to maximise the scale-up of group antenatal and postnatal+ care in the research counties and globally through effective dissemination and communication activities highlighting the project goals and achievements and facilitating a web-based platform for shared learning.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 848147. This website reflects only the authors' view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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