Researchers and policymakers regularly hear impressive stories about the results of group care according to the Centering model, which are not visible in research results. These stories from healthcare show in a different way how group care works. With the help of interviews with women, midwives, nurses and doctors, these powerful and often moving stories will be collected and written down during the GC_1000 project.
The process of implementing group care will start at the end of 2021. The following stories have been collected before 2020 and were published in the book "Little Pearls, short group care stories with a large impact". The book was a joint publication of TNO, the KNOV, the Centering Nederland Foundation and Group Care Global. The book was first distributed in the English version at the GC_1000 launch meeting in Leiden, Netherlands, February 2020.
Read the full publication here:
We would love to hear your group care story, big or small! Please send an e-mail to to share your story.
Durga from Nepal
Eritrean woman in the Netherlands
Thamar (15)
Thamar (15)
Sharon Schindler Rising
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 848147. This website reflects only the authors' view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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